NDIS Plan Management
GCCL is a leading NDIS provider of Plan Management for Gold Coast and Tweed Heads residents with a disability and their families.
What is Plan Management Gold Coast Community Lifestyles
Plan Management is funded separately in your NDIS plan when you opt to have your funds Plan Managed. A Plan Management organisation pays your service providers directly and then claims for services through the NDIS Portal. A Plan Manager does not arrange your support but pays your bills for you.
Plan Management allows flexibility enabling you to use both registered and non-registered providers as well as assisting you to track your expenditure with monthly statements that detail every invoice paid on your behalf and projected expenditures across your NDIS plan dates.
A Plan Manager can be a good way of getting the benefits of self-management, but with someone to assist with the financial side of things.
Plan Management Services at Gold Coast Community Lifestyles
Once accepted through our referral and intake service (07 5593 9069) we will;
Provide you with a service agreement that details our terms and conditions as well identifying our mutual obligations as service provider and participant. This must be signed before invoices can start to be paid.
We will then set up your funding categories as service bookings into the MyPlace Provider Portal and invoices can start to be paid.
Our payment cycle is 7 days and all invoices need to be sent to
We strongly recommend you request ALL of your providers and workers to either send their invoices to you first or copy you in to the invoice submission so you can ensure particulars are correct.
Your monthly statement will list all invoices paid on your behalf which will give you another checking point on what you are spending and enable accurate tracking. If you have a Support Coordinator they can request the monthly statement be sent them as well and GCCL are happy to provide this.
Gold Coast Community Lifestyles Plan Management provides also information and resources to participants to assist with understanding their plan and what they can purchase.
Plan Management is a funded support in your NDIS plan paid at $104.45 per month plus a small establishment fee. This service is placed into your plan on top of already existing support budgets.
Gold Coast Community Lifestyles uses the current NDIS Price Guide from claims from participant packages including TTP: NDIS Price List
Why use a Plan Manager?
Increase your financial and Plan Management Skills
Learn how to self-manage your plan
Pay Providers
Increase your choice of providers
Get reports and greater budget oversight
Funds Management and the NDIS
The NDIS provides 3 options to participants on the Scheme to manage the payment of their supports and services and it is important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each so that you can make a decision that is right for you.
NDIA Managed: All invoices for supports and services are sent directly to the NDIA for payment by a provider. This options limits you to providers who are registered with the NDIA but provides a safeguard of sorts as a registered service is audited regularly to ensure they meet the benchmark standards for Human Service Provision.
Plan Managed: Allows you to use registered and unregistered providers while still having the benefit of someone else paying the invoices on your behalf reducing your administrative load.
Self Managed: If you select this option you will take responsibility for paying invoices for your supports and services through the MyPlace Participant Portal. This option generally provides the most flexibility but can be time consuming depending on the size of your plan.
Can I buy It with NDIS funding?
The NDIS provides reasonable and necessary guidelines that assist participants to understand what they can purchase with their funding. You can find information about your Support categories at
As Plan Managers we have a responsibility to safeguard your funds and yourself by providing accurate and up to date guidance however if you disagree with our advice and believe it meets the NDIS reasonable and necessary guidelines you can complete the form below ensuring that you tick off each component to satisfy the guidelines and submit it with your request for payment/reimbursement.
For Further information or assistance please contact our NDIS Plan Manager during office hours or email.
NDIS Guide to Plan Management
NDIS easy guide to what your plan can purchase
- Support worker for personal care, domestic assistance
- Cleaners, garden maintenance
- Support worker to access the community, attend social and recreational activities
- Support worker to attend holidays
- Group based and 1:1 activity costs
- PPE*for support workers, continence products, items required for disability specific personal care and daily living
- Low Cost Low Risk Level 1 & 2 Assistive Technology (Request full list)
- Taxi fares
- Payments to transport providers like Transcord and Volunteering GC
- Payments to service providers for bus pick ups and support worker kilometres
- *PPE – Personal protective Equipment for Emplo
Capacity Building
- Plan Management
- Plan Management Training
- Physiotherapy, Speech and other Allied Health Assessments and ongoing sessions
- OT Assessments and ongoing sessions
- 1:1 and Group based skill development
- Support worker to develop targeted skill development
- Hours of coordination to assist in plan set up and monitoring with specific areas for skill development
- Allied health Assessments and ongoing sessions
- Support worker to develop targeted skill development
- 1:1 and Group based skill development
- Exercise Physiology
- Dietician and other Allied Health Assessments and ongoing sessions
- Support worker to develop targeted skill development
Assisstive Technology Level 3
- Electric Bed
- Shower commodes
Assisstive Technology Level 4
- Electric Wheelchairs
- Hoists
Home Modifications
- Access modifications
- Bathroom modifications
- Kitchen modifications
- Bedroom modifications
Vehicle Modifications
- Hoists
- Seating
- Controls