Gold Coast Community Lifestyles recognises the right to privacy, dignity and confidentiality in all aspects of a person’s life.

Gold Coast Community Lifestyles adheres to current legislation with regards to privacy laws as well as fundamental philosophical and ethical precepts when safeguarding the privacy and dignity of service users as detailed below; 

Personal information

Gold Coast Community Lifestyles abides by the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988, a copy of this legislation and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) and privacy principles is available to all service users through our Policy and Procedure Manual and to all employees within the Employee Handbook.

Collection of Information

Information will only be collected that is relevant to service provision, as outlined in the Queensland Information Privacy Act 2009. Gold Coast Community Lifestyles will ensure that the information collected is correct and regularly updated.

Consent by Individuals

Information will not be collected or given out without the informed consent of the person and/or family.  

Storage of information

Any information gathered will be stored in a safe, secure environment and only revealed to relevant personnel as needed.

Access to information

Any service user may have access to the personal information that Gold Coast Community Lifestyles has on file.  An advocate may be used to support a person to access their information.  

Gold Coast Community Lifestyles will ensure that the dignity of service users is respected, in relation to their individual needs and circumstances.

Disposal of Information

All personal information will be disposed of using a shredder.  Closed files will be destroyed according to the archive register. Disposal of information occurs as per GCCL’s Archive Policy and Procedure.